The Program is not about a single year’s team. It is about a tradition and longevity. It’s the confidence each of us feels in our adult lives because we know what it feels like to sacrifice, to work as a team and to be part of something larger than ourselves. It’s something we’re reminded of when watching the team compete and that current players feel when they experience our support. We might not be on the field anymore, but every iteration of the team is always our Program. Since 1998, Pitt Ultimate has shown us what can happen when a group of people dedicate themselves meaningfully to a single purpose. As the Program has risen to prominence, the costs for a full season have also risen. Thankfully, the team has had a committed support structure to allay these costs. There has always been fundraising, donations to the team, or donations to an individual player. Alumni, parents, friends, and fellow players have done an amazing job of stepping up to ensure that all players can do what they do best: play. In order to create a more long-term, sustainable solution, the Endowment for Pitt Ultimate was created. Funded by Alumni, parents, and friends of the Program, the goal of the Endowment is to eventually be able to cover all costs for the A and B teams seasons. Until that time, the Endowment will be used to fund scholarships for players who have financial need.
For more information, please send us an email.
- Any contribution will be tax deductible.
- The preferred way to make donations is to mail a check or setup a single or monthly Bill Pay (electronic check) through your bank using the following information:
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Five PPG Place, Suite 250
Pittsburgh, PA15222-5414
Account: The Endowment for Pitt Ultimate
- To contribute via credit card/Internet: (Warning: They will take a 2.98% service fee to pay what the credit card companies charge them.)
Enter ‘The Endowment for Pitt Ultimate’ as the ‘Name of Fund’ after your contact information
- Check if your corporation does matching:
Fund Details
- Any and all contributions will be considered charitable donations and eligible for corporate matching and tax deductions.
- The fund is set up through the Pittsburgh Foundation (like the PHUL scholarship). They manage all the investing and pay outs.
- The fund will be managed by a board of alumni.
- The long term goal of the endowment will be to fund all of the teams’ (A and B) expenses.
2019 Grants
2018 Grants
- $1600 PPRs for the A team
- $500 Player Grants
2017 Grants
- $2000 PPRs for the A team
2016 Grants
- $700 A team expenses
- $1350 Player Grants
- $300 B team expenses
2015 Grants
- $300 A team expenses
- $1350 Player grants
- $300 B team expenses
2014 Grants
- $725 A team expenses
- $1275 Player grants
- $375 B team expenses