En Sabah Nur is a group of athletes dedicated to constant self-improvement, which will improve our team as a whole. We battle every single time we step foot on the Ultimate field and are fueled by the desire to win. We are constantly focused on improvement, growing together as a team, learning the game, and maximizing our athletic potential. If you are a University of Pittsburgh student and are interested in becoming a part of En Sabah Nur stop by any practice to speak with a captain. Also feel free to email a captain or member of the administration for more information.
If you are looking for information on Women’s Ultimate, visit Danger’s website.
This Video Will Make You Ridiculously Proud Of Pittsburgh
There’s something exciting about seeing your hometown in TV shows or movies. It’s basically a compliment that someone would want to feature your city. This video is a supercut of nearly 30 different films shot in Pittsburgh! Even if some of the movies have fictional...
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